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    Application From Guttelim 28.09.2010


    Application From Guttelim 28.09.2010 Empty Application From Guttelim 28.09.2010

    Beitrag von Guttelim Di Sep 28, 2010 8:07 pm

    D a t e n

    Name: Paul Arne Nyborg
    Alter: 26
    Wohnort: Trondheim, Norway

    I n g a m e

    Ingame-Name: Guttelim
    Steamname: Guttelim
    Momentaner Clan:
    Mikrofon: yes

    W i c h t i g e F r a g e n
    Alle unsere Regeln: [ X ] Akzeptiere. [ ] Akzeptiere nicht. (bitte ankreuzen).

    - Bist du angeworben worden? (ja/nein) No

    -- Wenn ja, durch wen?

    - In welchem Squad siehst du dich selber? JFB

    -- Und warum? I think that Squad would fit me the best!

    - Bist du eine Führungspersönlichkeit? (ja/nein) not at the moment, but maybe when I get some practice

    - Welche drei Maps spielst du am liebsten?
    -- assault
    -- dust2
    -- office

    - Hast du Erfahrungen als Admin auf einem Public Server? (ja/nein) no

    - Hast du Erfahrungen als Admin auf einem War Server? (ja/nein) no

    - Was erwartest du von deinem Squadleader? (1-2 Sätze) The most, a squadleader should be a good and understanding leader. I have a great skill to adapt myself in the most situations.

    - Hast du jemals gecheatet? (bitte ehrlich sein.) no, never.

    L e t z t e F r a g e

    Wieso willst du gerade zu uns? Wieso denkst du, passt du in unser Team?
    I liked the people I met on the assault-server I have played some on. Easy-talking people who I think I could get along with. Other people I have met from other familys/clans are often rude an not very polite.
    I also think my playing style could fit in well.

    Anzahl der Beiträge : 90
    Respekt Credits : 5829
    Anmeldedatum : 07.05.09
    Alter : 32
    Ort : Lichtenfels

    Application From Guttelim 28.09.2010 Empty Re: Application From Guttelim 28.09.2010

    Beitrag von Brasco Di Sep 28, 2010 8:16 pm

    Hey Guttelim,

    WELCOME to the Family!

    You will have a trial time, during 4 Weeks, in this time we will test you, your social integrity and your playing style.

    You will receive inivtations for 3 groups, please accept 'em all.

    1. The Johnny Family
    2. Johnny Family Trial Member
    3. Johnny Family Bada Bing Crew

    Please try to be as active as you can in the forum!

      Aktuelles Datum und Uhrzeit: Sa Sep 28, 2024 7:27 pm